• | Of or relating to one of the early races in Mexico that inhabited the great plateau of that country at the time of the Spanish conquest in 1519. |
• | One of the Aztec race or people. |
Here you will be able to find the answer for : This ancient American empire's capital was Tenochtitlan Word Craze. At, you'll find a comprehensive collection of solutions for each level of Word Craze. The website is regularly updated, ensuring that you have access to the most up-to-date answers. So, if you're ever feeling stumped or need a nudge in the right direction, is your reliable companion to overcome any challenges and keep your Word Craze journey going strong.
This Word Craze clue was last seen on October 1 2024 Word Craze Daily Theme puzzle. The answer we have for This ancient American empire's capital was Tenochtitlan has a total of 5 letters.
• | Of or relating to one of the early races in Mexico that inhabited the great plateau of that country at the time of the Spanish conquest in 1519. |
• | One of the Aztec race or people. |
There are a total of 10 clues in October 1 2024 crossword puzzle.
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